Fingers in door

This is the first study to provide national estimates of pediatric door-related injuries in the United States. Data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System were analyzed for patients ages 17 years and younger who were treated in US emergency departments for a door-related injury from 1999 to 2008.

An estimated 1,392,451 US children ages 17 years and younger received emergency treatment for door-related injuries, which averages approximately 1 injury every 4 minutes in the US. Both the frequency and rate of injury increased significantly. Boys accounted for 55.4% of injuries and 41.6% of children were ages 4 years and younger. The most common mechanism of injury was a “pinch in the door” (54.8%) or an “impact to the door” (42.0%). Patients admitted to the hospital were most frequently treated for amputations (32.0%) or lacerations (25.2%). The frequency of injuries associated with glass doors increased significantly with increasing age. In contrast to injuries from other types of doors.

Automatic door closers that slow down or prevent slammed doors can help prevent injuries around the door knob side of the door, but the most serious finger injuries take place at the hinge side of the door. As the door closes, the pressure exerted at the hinge area of a door can reach as much as 40 tons, or 80.000 lbs. per square inch.

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