Finger keeper rear colors

July 24, 2012- Sunrise, FL – FingerguardUSA, a private company, is the first and only distributor bringing to the U.S. the innovative and patented door and hinge child safety devices manufactured and available only in Europe, FingerguardUSA discusses the innovative devices and how they help prevent serious childhood injuries.  

It only takes a few unsupervised moments for a child to injure themselves. As the door closes the pressure exerted at the hinge side of a door can reach as much as 40 tons or 80.000 lbs. per square inch. The largest cause of childhood finger amputation is due to door-related injuries, according to study findings by researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, and published in the Journal of Trauma. A nationwide case study done by the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System analyzed 1,392,451 patients ages 17 and younger who were treated in emergency rooms around the United States for door-related injuries between 1999 and 2008. The study found that the most common door-related injury was a “pinch in the door” or an “impact to the door.” To read more on this study please visit  

These incredible findings that show more than 80% of children with amputations resulting from door-related injuries are what motivated FingergaurdUSA to bring these products to the U.S. Ensuring child safety is a priority at FingerguardUSA. The Finger Keeper is an accident prevention product used to keep fingers from being trapped in doors. At FingerguardUSA there are seven different versions of Finger Keeper products that provide a range of use from personal home to industrial strength for businesses. The Finger Keeper Front, good for personal home use, works by covering the gap that is created on the hinge side of the door when it is open. The Finger Keeper Rear works in unison with Finger Keeper Front to provide 100 percent safety. They are very reasonably priced for doors considered to be low risk and/or with low traffic areas.  

For more demanding environments such as; hospitals, daycare centers, restaurants, schools, churches, pre-schools, nurseries, etc., there is the Finger Guardian and the Finger Keeper Industrial. These two devices provide prevention from fingers being entrapped in the hinge gap of the door and from being jammed on the hinge side. The Aluslide Aluminum Door Finger Guard offers greater resistance for heavy traffic locations and even a hygienic wipe-clean satin aluminum surface.  

FingerguardUSA products are so versatile with options for “prestigious” areas of buildings such as entrances with automated doors and single or double action doors. Rounding out the impressive line are Superior models, Finger Defender and Finger Protecta which are offered in three different colors. FingerguardUSA takes into account considerations such as color matching to décor, door construction materials, door hinge type and suitability to automated doors. Some models in the finger guard range also take account of draught proofing and fire protection requirements. There is even an infection control version to help prevent the spread of MRSA, Salmonella and other bacterial infections for hospital use.  

FingerguardUSA is a brand new company founded in April 2012. At FingerGuardUSA, we believe in protecting children’s fingers from getting caught in door jams which leads to serious injury. Our product may be used in day cares, restaurants, hospitals, schools, and in your own home.

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